The Democrats of Rossmoor will hold their April TGWD (Thank Goodness We’re Democrats) on Thursday April 10, 2025, in the Fireside Room. This will be the club’s annual priority setting meeting; it will run from 4:00 to 6:00pm. Bring a snack to share. If you want alcohol at this event, you must bring your own beverage.
Early each year, the club holds this meeting to help direct the focus of club activities for the rest of the year. Members talk to other members about the issues that are important to them, sharing both information and concerns. The board has identified 12 possible issues and will give the membership an opportunity to add others. Following this discussion, topics and issues will be ranked by order of member-decided importance. Once the priorities are ranked, in-depth conversations can begin to look at what congress or the new administration has done, review any executive orders that have been issued and discuss what actions Democrats can take going forward. (participants may want to bring their laptops, as we will explore websites) This meeting is an opportunity for member voices to be heard. Send questions to [email protected].