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Need Membership Help?

We are here to help. If you encounter any difficulty or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us. It’s often easiest to answer questions on the phone. If you are willing to be called, please include your phone number.

[email protected]

As you enter your password, the system will indicate the strength of what you have entered (i.e. “weak,” “medium” or “strong”). Your password must be of “medium” strength. The way the system works in complex, but the following will help you meet the criteria:

  • Use at least 9 characters
  • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Include at least one number
  • Include at least one special character
  • Avoid using common dictionary words or elements of your username or email address

If your membership expired prior to January 2023 you will need to join the club again as a new member. If you did renew or join after January 2023 you may log in to your account.

Go to the login form and request a password reset. You will be asked for your email address. If your email address is already in the club database, a link will be sent to you at that email address to reset your password and log in. If your email is not in the system, an error message will show. If your still unsure, please reach out through the contact form or via email at [email protected]

To update your membership profile, please log in to your account and you will be directed to your membership account page where you will find a link to Edit your Profile.